Similar to previous installments, Nigma has scattered hundreds of collectibles across the Gotham City in Batman: Arkham Knight. These collectibles include Riddler Trophies, Riddles, Breakable Objects, and Bomb Rioters.
For more help on Batman Arkham Knight, read our Riddler’s Revenge Guide, Line of Duty Firfighters Locations and The Perfect Crime Corpse Locations.
With over hundreds of collectibles to find in the game, you need to find each one of them in order to face Riddler in the final showdown. This guide aims at providing the nearest possible locations (along with nearest coordinates) of all the collectibles that you can find in Batman: Arkham Knight.
Moreover, each section of the guide is accompanied by a video guide so as to provide you with better references. Still if you seem to face any difficulty, do make sure to let us know in the Comments and we will help you out.
Do note THIS IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. We will be adding Maps, Videos and remaining Riddler items locations in the coming days.
This collectible is located under the road, along the bridge to Ace Chemicals – look for it near the yellow generators.
Climb to the very top of the lone lighthouse near the Ace Chemicals to find this collectible.
This collectible is located inside an old warehouse sitting alone along the water.
This collectible is located behind a weakened wall north of the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals.
You must complete GunRunner side mission to find this trophy! Head inside the underground area where Penguin is hiding his weapons and enter the large garage to find the trophy inside a room.
You will come up a boarded section amidst the buildings along the water. You need to break the boarded wall and head inside to find the trophy.
This collectible is located on the second floor of a blown up building near the Clocktower.
You need to reach the a blown up building near the Clocktower. The collectible is located near the docks area, under the walkway near the water’s edge.
Head over to the Dixon Dock West and glide inside a large suspended container in the air to find the collectible inside.
This collectible is located inside a boarded warehouse located along the edge of the road leading to sewers.
You need to head over to the roof of Panessa Studios near the helipad and take the stairs down the hall. Once you arrive there, head inside a grate to find the collectible inside a blocked room.
From the area where you acquired Trophy #30, glide into the air and find another boarded up wall along the water’s edge and break it to find another collectible.
This collectible is located behind a breakable wall along a raised section leading to Panessa Studios. You need to drive off the ramp near the lighthouse and navigate the roof to find the breakable wall and head inside to find the collectible.
Head over to the bridge leading out of Gotham and drop down on a shack on the water to find the collectible.
Head over to the roundabout around the tower near the Panessa Studios and drop down from the area next to the lighthouse to find the collectible near some pumpkins.
There is a watchtower on top of two connected buildings with a breakable section on the floor – the collectible is hiding behind the breakable section on the floor.
There is a bridge connecting two buildings near the area where you find the Trophy #18. You need to grapple to the walkway above and claim the collectible sitting there!
You need to head inside the GCPD headquarters and find the collectible inside the Evidence Locker.
This collectible is located inside a warehouse situated on the opposite side of the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals – you need to hit the ‘?’ to acquire passage inside.
You need to direct the Riddler Robot to cross the electrified ground and acquire the trophy before destroying it and claiming the trophy.
Trophy #3 Map Coordinates: N/A
This becomes available after Bleake Puzzle Trophy #7. You need to complete the Riot Bomb Puzzle to acquire this collectible.
Pull the Winch Marker next to bridge leading to Ace Chemicals and head inside to net the trophy.
Target the Batmobile’s sonar at the Riddler’s Mark and follow the trail of ‘?’ under and along the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals to find this collectible.
This collectible lies under a glass floor with a couple of turrets and a Riddler Bot on top of a building near the Bleake Island Bank – use the Riddler Bot to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #7 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete the first available Riot Bomb Puzzle to acquire this collectible.
You will come across a number of Riddler Robots on a building near the center of Chinatown. You need to keep on killing them and reviving them in order to acquire the trophy.
This collectible is located inside a shipping crate between the Clocktower and a Militia roadblock. You need to open up the shipping crate using the Batmobile and claim the collectible.
Trophy #10 Map Coordinates: N/A
This collectible is acquired after another Riot Bomb Puzzle that you need to complete in order to find the collectible.
You need to park the Batmobile near the fall wall of the Panessa Studios, on top of a green Pressure Pad and shoot down the targets as they appear to find the collectible.
You need to head over to the ledge that you used to drive the Batmobile up the wall of Panessa Studios and ping the Riddler Sonar Device. Once this is done, follow the trail of signs to find the collectible.
You need to scale the side of Panessa Studios to come across a tunnel underneath a building.
Charge up a generator inside the large room and use the EMP Blast to disable the forcefield. Once this is done, use your Line Launcher to stay above the forcefield and hit the lit ‘?’ sign when the forcefield reappears to claim the collectible.
You need to head over to the parking lot for Panessa Studios to find a tall puzzle tower. Use the Winch Marker to reveal the ‘?’ sign switches and hit all of them to find the collectible.
Trophy #15 Map Coordinates: N/A
This is a race that you need to complete near the Merchant Bridge. You can watch the video guide above for more information!
Head over to the roof of Panessa Studios near the entrance and direct the Riddler Bot to stand on one Pressure Pad while you stand on the other one to claim the collectible.
This collectible is located behind 3 circular grates near the bridge leading to Panessa Studios – near the GCPD side.
You will come across a lone shipping container near the bridge leading to Panessa Studios. You need to pull the block from the side of the container using the Winch Marker and spray some Explosive Gel on the it followed by releasing it to detonate the vent and claim the collectible.
You need to head down the ravine dividing Panessa Studios from the rest of the Bleake Island and find a puzzle on the wall. Use the Winch Mark to launch the ball and complete the puzzle.
You need to solve the puzzle with 5 ‘?’ signs near the train yard to acquire this collectible – you can watch the video attached above for a quick walkthrough!
This collectible is located on the far side of the train yard, behind a green-lit train blocking the passage ahead.
You need to power up a generator located on the blocked bridge on Miagani Island. Once you have powered up the generator, follow the trail to the collectible – make sure to eject the Batmobile and claim the collectible before the timer runs out!
“Bones stripped bare beneath a warning light, pay heed, seafarers, not to feel his bite.”
You need to head inside the lighthouse near the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals and scan the pile of bones using your Detective Mode.
“An open house for bed and dinner, Is this sanctuary run by saint or sinner?”
You need to find ‘The Deacon’s Mission’ sign on the far west road in Chinatown and scan it using your Detective Mode to solve this riddle.
“I bet you weren’t invited to this lavish do, I wonder how many went dressed up as you?”
Head inside the Clocktower and go all the way to the top floor offices. Near the door leading outside, scan a painting of a masquerade ball to complete this riddle.
“Overgrown, abandoned, the inmates set free, madness could never be held in me.”
You need to head to the west side of the docks and scan the remains of the Arkham Asylum on the far island to complete this riddle.
“Hope shines brightly in a city this dark, find the source of that signal and you’ll soon hit your mark.”
In order to complete this riddle, you need to scan the Batsignal where you first met Gordon at the very start of the game.
“She stands at our center that we may not weaken, a symbol of hope, a towering beacon.”
You simply need to scan the Lady of Gotham statue using your Detective Mode to complete this riddle.
“Always looking for names to besmirch, where does this newsman conduct his research?”
In order to solve this riddle, you need to head inside GCPD headquarters and scan Jack Ryder’s desk inside the Interview Room.
“A souvenir from a previous life, why hold with a hand when a hook will suffice?”
You need to head inside GCPD headquarters and scan the Aaron Cash’s family photo placed on his desk to complete this riddle.
“Joining your mission can come with a cost, this empty reminder shows just what she lost.”
You need to enter Oracle’s Clocktower and find the grandfather clock on the right side. You need to use your Remote Hacking Device to scan the switch and find a secret area behind the bookcase which you need to scan to solve the riddle.
“A bat uses these to see at night. The doc’s didn’t work and his cure caused a fright.”
After completing the second part of the Creature of the Night side mission, head inside a small alley in Chinatown near the bridge leading to Ace Chemicals and travel down the elevator into the laboratory. Once there, scan the drawing on the wall.
“Business is best when Bats needs killing, a mercenary’s file should receive top billing.”
In order to solve this riddle, you need to head inside the Communications Room of the GCPD headquarters and scan the photos on the wall.
You need to grapple all the way up to the roof of Pinkney’s Orphanage and look for a small makeshift shack on the roof containing the collectible.
You need to fly from the large red tower towards the Founders’ Island until you come across the monorail terminal. Once you reach the area, check your immediate right to find another trophy sitting on a small table.
Head inside the Miagani Botanical Gardens and travel to the first floor walkway near the large plants. Once you reach the area, check the shelves in order to find this collectible.
For this collectible, you need to head inside the Miagani Botanical Gardens and work your way up to the 2nd floor where you will find the collectible sitting amidst the row plants.
You need to make your way to the large Militia Watchtower near the Newton Fairgrounds and head inside the elevator stuck on the very top of the tower to find this collectible.
Travel along the monorails leading towards the tower by the greenhouse and you will see one of the rail cars carrying the collectible you seek.
This collectible is placed under one side of the bridge that connects Bleake Island with Miagani Island. Head down the bridge and look for an old shack containing the collectible.
This collectible is hidden behind a sealed wall at the side of the bridge. Use the Batmobile to blast through the sealed wall and claim the collectible inside.
This collectible is located near the Riddler Race Track: Flight School and look for a sealed up section of the building on the side. You need to blast through the wall and head inside the newly opened area to find the collectible.
This collectible is located inside a boarded up section on the building housing the Midtown Mall. Glide around the building to find the boarded up wall and smash through it to find the collectible inside.
In order to claim this collectible, you need to reach the very end of the Newton Fairgrounds pier and search the edge of the docks.
In order to claim this collectible, you need to head over to the Main Square in Grand Avenue and fly through the hole of ‘Dang-Good Donuts’ neon-sign.
You need to head inside Paul’s Diner on Grand Avenue and look behind the main counter to find the collectible hiding there.
Trophy #14 Map Coordinates: N/A
This collectible is located behind a weak wall – you can refer to the video guide above for more information!
This collectible is located inside the tunnel of Grand Avenue where Arkham Knight’s base is located. Head over to the entrance of the tunnel and grapple to the overhead railing to find the collectible.
You need to grapple all the way up the tall building near the Grand Avenue Station (the building right next to the Vicki Vale sign) and find the collectible at the rooftop.
You need to grapple near the top of the Grand Avenue Station and look for an open grate near a ravel. You need to head inside the grate which will lead you into a small room containing the collectible.
You need to head into the Grand Avenue Station and make your way down to the level with the monorails. Once you arrive there, you will see the collectible on one of the train cars.
You need to glide your way to the tall tower by the bridge leading out of the Gotham City and keep on grappling up until you come across a row of windows. You need to smash through the windows into the building and find the collectible inside.
This collectible is located on top of a small tomb about halfway up the large church building on the island.
This collectible is located directly under the sealed bridge leading out of the Gotham City. Travel along one of the tunnel entrances and you will come across a sealed up wall along the water’s edge. Once you get there, smash through the wall and claim the collectible.
You need to grapple all the way to the top of the Wayne Tower and fly to a small plaza that goes through the building. In the middle, look for a small entryway and head inside to find the collectible.
This collectible is located on the Lady of Gotham statue amidst all 3 islands. Glide around the statue and find a boarded up wall; head inside and find the collectible down the staircase.
In order to acquire the Riddler Trophy, you need to solve a puzzle in front of the Pinkney’s Orphanage. You can watch our video above for a detailed walkthrough of how to solve the puzzle.
Drive to the Pinkney’s Orphanage and park the Batmobile on the large green pad and shoot the ‘?’ signs as soon as they appear.
Once you are tasked to shoot 4 at the same time, shoot the nearby vehicles and build up your combos so that you are able to fire 4 missiles at the same time. Once you manage to shoot 4 missiles at the same time, the collectible will unlock.
Trophy #3 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete a Riot Bomb Puzzle to acquire this collectible. You can refer to the video guide above for more information!
Head over to the Penitence Bridge leading to the Founders’ Island and you will come across a couple of ‘?’ switches, a Riddler Bot, and a couple of Pressure Pads.
You need to direct the Riddler Bot to stand on one of the Pressure Pads and use your Explosive Gel on the 2 ‘?’ signs. Use your Batarangs to hit the remaining switches and unlock the collectible.
Trophy #5 Map Coordinates: N/A
To find this collectible, you need to head over to 2887, 2171 map coordinates which will direct you to hospital roof. Once you arrive there, step on the Pressure Pad to start a race and complete it within allotted time limit to acquire the collectible.
You need to use the Batmobile to ping the Riddler Sonar Device on the base of the Elliot Memorial Hospital and follow the trail of ‘?’ signs to a store called Jenna’s Furniture and claim the collectible.
Head past the Newton Fairgrounds and you will come face to face with a couple of Riddler Bots. You need to avoid their line of sight and direct them to 2 Pressure Pads in such a way that they do not see you standing on the third Pressure Pad which will net you this collectible.
Trophy #8 Map Coordinates: N/A
This collectible is a little hard to explain – you can check out our video guide above for detailed information!
Trophy #9 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete a Riot Bomb Puzzle in order to acquire this collectible! You can check out the video guide above for more information!
This collectible is located on the rooftop of a tall building with several Riddler Bots roaming the area. You need to hit the ‘?’ sign to change the color of the bots and then attack them to acquire the collectible.
This collectible is located in the Midtown Mall – look near a large puzzle box. You need to use the Batmobile’s winch to drop the ball all the way to the bottom in order to claim the collectible.
You need to make your way to the entrance of The Gotham Pony and use the Winch Marker to pull the door and head inside to find the collectible. However, do note that two turrets will appear as soon as pick up the collectible.
This collectible is hidden behind a sealed wall at the base of the bridge on the Miagani Island side. Use the Batmobile to blast through the sealed wall and you will find a Riddler Bot and a generator inside.
You need to direct the Riddler Bot towards the far wall and use the generator to crush it under the wall. Once you have done it, use the ‘?’ sign to revive the Riddler Bot and use it to stand on the Pressure Pad and claim the collectible.
Trophy #14 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to solve the puzzle in front of the Lacey’s Department Store to acquire this collectible.
Trophy #15 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete a Riot Bomb Puzzle in order to acquire this collectible – you can check out the video above for detailed information!
Use the Batmobile to drive around the base of the Wayne Tower and find a Riddler Sonar Device and ping it using the vehicle. Once this is done, follow the trail of the signs toward the collectible.
Trophy #17 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete the Power Winch Puzzle in order to acquire this collectible! You can check out the video guide above for a better reference.
Trophy #18 Map Coordinates: N/A
You need to complete the Power Winch Puzzle in order to acquire this collectible! You can check out the video guide above for a better reference.
“Friend of the Waynes though not as wealthy, their memorial ward keeps Gotham healthy.”
This one is pretty simple! All you need to do is to drive up to Elliot Memorial Hospital and scan the large sign on the side of the hospital to solve this riddle.
“The League of Assassins stuck blades through hearts, now they impale each others art.”
You need to head over to the multistory parking garage near Mercy Bridge and travel to the building directly across the entrance of the garage. Once you arrive there, scan the graffiti with a blade poking out of it on the wall to complete this riddle.
“You forced this contraption over my brain, I’ll reward you with punishment, debasement and pain.”
During the ‘Final Exam’ section of the Riddler’s side mission, head over to the far side of the room and scan the helmet lying on the table to solve this riddle.
“It doesn’t take much to tame a Cat, make them wear this, and then call the bat.”
You simply need to scan the collar around Catwoman’s neck in order to solve this riddle. If you have already completed Riddler’s side mission, head over to the room where the ‘Final Exam’ takes place and you will find the collar there.
“A natural cure for Scarecrow’s doom, your savior’s gone but still in bloom.”
After the Cloudburst Device has been dispersed, return to the Miagani Botanical Gardens and scan the large red plant using your Detective Vision to complete this riddle.
“Are you suffering from a mental split? Take out the trash before you defend it!”
Head over to a street near the Miagani Botanical Gardens and the large red tower to come to a shop named ‘Hell’s Gate’ and scan the front of the shop using your Detective Vision to complete the riddle.
“Disarming, charming, quite the inquisitor. She’ll pull back the vale, whoever her visitor.”
Head over to the very top of the building located on the northwest edge of Wayne Tower and scan the Vicki Vale Show neon-sign to solve the riddle.
“A former warden who had a Strange turn, his appointment as mayor was a cause for concern.”
You need to head over to Grand Avenue, near the intersection near a skybridge over the street. Look across the street to find Mayor Quincy Sharp ad on the wall – scan it to complete the riddle.
“The Prince of Gotham sits high in his tower, yet this picture recalls a happier hour.”
You need to head over to the top of the Wayne Tower where Lucius Fox works and scan the family portrait of the Wayne Family to solve this riddle.
“The highest building in Arkham City, A Strange man worked here, who took no pity.”
Stand at the very top of the sealed bridge leaving out of the Gotham City and scan the Wonder Tower with your Detective Vision to solve this riddle.
This collectible can be found on top of the lighthouse, overlooking the Ace Chemicals. You need to grapple all the way to the top and search across the railing to find it.
Similar to Trophy #3, this collectible is also located along the water’s edge, but further west along the island. You need to look for a large crane right next to a building and smash through a boarded up wall to find the collectible inside.
You need to head over to the north side of the Founders’ Island and make your way to the Trade House. You need to find a boarded up wall near the water’s edge and smash inside to find the collectible.
You need to head over to the lower streets of Drescher, near the north port to find the collectible. You need to keep your eyes peeled for a blown out double-story building to find the collectible inside.
You need to head over to the Gotham City Trains near the Wayne International Plaza. Once you arrive at the location, head over to the top floor of the building and search for the collectible on top of a yellow cabinet.
You need to make your way to the Wayne International Plaza and then to the balconies of the towering buildings nearby. Once you arrive there, you need to head over to the balcony facing the eastward near the airships to find the collectible.
In order to find this collectible, you need to have discovered the lair during The Perfect Crime side mission.
This collectible is located directly under the ramp that you raise during the Main Story in order to reach a Militia-controlled watchtower.
This collectible can be found on the outskirts of a Militia roadblock near the road leading to Perdition Bridge. You can also acquire it by climbing the small building bearing the ‘Gotham Pony’ signboard and dropping on the other side of the building.
This collectible can be found in the Ryker Heights, near a large Militia roadblock with a lot of turrets placed along the blockade. You need to search the ruined building near the blockade to find the collectible inside.
After acquiring Trophy #19, head to the south side from your location and search the rooftops for a sealed up wall; smash through the wall inside and find the collectible waiting for you!
You need to head over to the south side of the Otisburg and park the Batmobile near the Bank of Gotham. Once you get to the area, fire the sealed wall nearby to gain passage inside and find the collectible.
You need to drive towards Port Adams and head left to find a small building containing the collectible.
You need to fly towards Bristol to find a ruined building with a statue which taontains a collectible.
You will come across a large horizontal building near a large statue. You need to smash your way inside the building using a boarded up section in the wall and claim the collectible.
In order to find this collectible, head over to the water’s edge by the Perdition Bridge and you will find it lying near the docks.
Keep your eyes peeled along the water’s edge on the right side of Port Adams to come across a large crane hanging over the water. You need to find a small platform containing the collectible.
Trophy #18 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
Take the elevator down using the Batmobile in the Subway Tunnels and look at the raised platform which contains the collectible.
Trophy #19 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
You need to reach Phase #3 and find a small alcove on the right side to find another collectible.
Trophy #20 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
This collectible is located near the end of the subway part of the tunnel, in the large open area with the ramp and moat. You need to head over to the opposite side of the moat and find the collectible on top of a small room.
Trophy #21 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
From the 3 branching paths, head inside the tall cave with stairs leading upwards. You need to check the bottom of the stairs to find the collectible sitting on a small chair.
Trophy #22 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
At the end of the subway section where 3 branching paths head inside different paths of caves, check the pipes above to find the collectible.
Trophy #23 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
You need to head over to the north side of the caves in the Subway Tunnels and search the area on your left to find the collectible.
Trophy #24 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
From the 3 branching paths, head inside the tall cave with stairs leading upwards. Once you are in the area, grapple all the way on top of some pipes with a walkway to find the collectible.
Trophy #25 – Subway Tunnel Map Coordinates: 3109, 1425
Inside the Subway Tunnels, keep on driving through the caves until you come across a section full of pipes, seweage, and large grates. You need to grapple on top of the large grates to find the collectible.
You need to travel to the monorail platform near the cemetery to find the coordinates leading to the collectible; 2456, 2663. The coordinates will lead you to the back of GCPD right next to a generator. You need to power up the generator and complete the race within the allotted time limit to find the collectible.
Once you have acquired Trophy #2, look for a green barred door directly above it. Use the Batmobile to pull the Winch Marker and glide into the room without touching the floor to find the collectible inside.
Once you arrive at the mentioned map coordinates, destroy the Militia’s roadblock and charge up the generator to find a cage with a Riddler Bot inside. You need to direct the bot to acquire the collectible and then destroy it to claim the prize.
This coordinates to this collectible are located directly above the entrance to Killinger’s Department Store AKA Arkham Knight HQ. The coordinates will lead you to a couple of circular towers nearby which house the collectible.
While crossing the Perdition Bridge from Bleake Island to Founders’ Island, look for a building containing a panel with 3 ‘?’ signs that you need to hit in order to unlock the collectible. However, do note that you need to use a Winch Marker on the wall to reveal the 3 ‘?’ signs on the wall.
You need to head over to the water’s edge near the Perdition Bridge and find a locked gate with a generator nearby. You need to use the REC Gun to open the gate and head inside to claim the collectible. However, do note that you will have to blind a couple of turrets inside the area.
You need to head over to the streets below Ryker Heights to find a Riddler Sonic Device. Ping the Sonar Device with the Batmobile and follow the trail to the front of the Bruford Tower to find the collectible inside.
This collectible is located on the side of the LexCorp Building with a couple of Pressure Pads and a Riddler Bot. You need to direct the Riddler Bot to one of the Pressure Pads and stand on the other one to find the collectible. In case you have already done it, travel to the Pretty Dolls Parlor below the Ryker Heights and head inside the floor grate inside the building to find the collectible in the adjacent room.
You need to head over to the cemetery on the lower areas of the Founders’ Island and search for a storefront with a number of Riddler Bots inside. Direct one of the bots to stand on the Pressure Pad nearby to open a new door and head inside. Once you manage to head inside the newly opened area, blow up the wall using the Explosive Gel and claim the collectible.
Once you have collected Trophy #18, destroy the blockade using the Batmobile and pull the gate followed by heading inside the alley. Once inside, you simply need to hit the switch and claim the collectible.
Look for a Riddler Sonar Device planed near the old Cobblepot Manor and use the Batmobile to ping the Sonar Device. Once you have done it, follow the trail of ‘?’ signs to drive off a ramp onto a far off building and smash the hidden wall to find the collectible inside.
In order to find this collectible, you need to check the lower eastern buildings of Founders’ Island to find a metal grating with a turret and a Riddler Bot on a rooftop. Blind the turret and use the Riddler Bot to pick up the collectible and claim it for yourself!
You need to head south from a Militia Blockade in Otisburg to find a Riddler Puzzle on a wall. You need to complete the puzzle to claim the collectible.
You need to travel along the side of Port Adams to find a container with the collectible attached to it. You need to complete the puzzle in order to snag the collectible.
You will come across an open container near the middle of Port Adams, protected by a horde of Riddler Bots. You need to use the Riddler Bot to acquire the collectible and destroy it to claim it for yourself.
You need to travel to the south end of Port Adams to find a large shipping container along with a puzzle. You simply need to solve the puzzle in order to detach the collectible and acquire it.
“A psycho killer’s grim design, what has an angle but just one line?”
You need to travel to the northern edge of Founders’ Island near the piers and check the left side of the lighthouse docks to find some thugs near fishing equipment – scan them to complete the riddle.
“A million dollar home for a spoilt child, his parents are dead but his parties are wild.”
You need to cross Wayne International Plaza and reach the under construction train line nearby. Once you reach there, scan a large mansion in your west.
“He saved the date! All Hallow’s Eve! But this calendar killer took his leave”
You need to head over to the Train Station and find a manhole along the upper road. Drop down to reach the tunnels below and scan everything inside a small room near some crumbling columns.
“He lives and dies in seven days, this beast you’ve tamed but his song still plays.”
You need to head over to the Perdition Bridge and head towards the Militia Roadblock nearby. You need to travel along the roadblock and head inside a small room in order to complete the riddle.
“Roll up! Roll up! For the circus of strange, this porcine professor is clearly deranged.”
During or after you have completed The Perfect Crime side mission, head over to the hideout and scan the main room (a poster pasted on the wall) to solve the riddle.
“An ancient order, lust for power consumed, their patron saint is here entombed.”
You need to head over to the cemetery on the east side of Founders’ Island (near the church) and scan the shrine to Saint Dumas to solve the riddle.
“This cold corporation changed his life forever, curing his wife now a chronic endeavor.”
You need to head over to a large building near the Bank of Gotham and scan the GothCrop. signboard to solve the riddle.
“This tumbledown ruin’s not looking its best, what do you expect from the Penguin’s old nest?”
There is an old manor on the lower west side of the island, near Port Adams. You simply need to scan the sign on the building to complete the riddle.
“Far away the deflated brute roams, leaving behind what he couldn’t ship home.”
You need to head over to Port Adams and head inside an open container on the top-left edge. Once you are inside, use the Batclaw to open up a box and scan the contents.
“Crusaders of old had a trusty steed. How much horsepower does a Dark Knight need?”
Trophy #1 This collectible is located on the far backside of Airship Alpha. You need to use your Remote Hacking Device to open up the cage using ‘Simian’ as password and use the Pressure Pad nearby to open up the cage containing the collectible.
Trophy #2 This collectible is located in the large Testing Facility. Use the Remote Hacking Device and ‘Bamboo’ password to free up the chimp and use the Pressure Pads to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #3 This collectible is located inside the main Cargo Hold area. You need to head over to the main floor and head inside a locked door on the right-side using Voice Synthesizer to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #4 This collectible is located inside the main Cargo Hold area. You need to use the Line Launcher to access the open hole on the far side of the room to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #5 This one is located inside a small corridor leading from the Cargo Bay to the Testing Lab area.
Trophy #6 You need to head over to the Cargo Hold room and use the Explosive Gel to blow up a portion of the ceiling and head inside a sealed room to find the collectible inside.
Trophy #7 This collectible is also located inside the main Cargo Hold area, in a corner. In order to access the area, you will have to drop down into the grate and use the Remote Hacking Device in combination with the Airship Stability Controls to net it.
Trophy #8 There is a small corridor leading from the entrance to the Cargo Hold area. You need to drop down into the grate from the area and use a switch to claim the collectible.
Trophy #9 You need to use the Airship Stability Controls to make path on the lowest floor of the Foyer, near the boxes in front of a container.
Trophy #10 Inside the Foyer (where a bunch of boxes are hanging), use the REC Gun on the door of a shed with a green light around it and head inside to find the collectible.
Trophy #11 While inside the Foyer, head to the main floor and use ‘Friction’ as password on the screen near a mesh door to find the collectible.
Trophy #12 This collectible is located in the bottom area of the Foyer, facing the exit of the ship. You need to use ‘Gradient’ as password to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #13 You need to head over to the far backside of Stagg Airship and inside the Testing Area. Blast through a sealed wall and head inside a small room. Once there, use the Remote Hacking Device and Airship Stability Controls to clear the path and find the collectible on the bottom floor.
Trophy #14 While in the Subject Testing Area, you need to head over to the southern edge where you will need to solve a puzzle in order to claim the collectible.
Trophy #15 You need to tilt the airship in a way so that it busts through out of the airship which you need to follow into the water in order to claim the collectible.
Trophy #16 You will come across some sealed up rooms along the Testing Area with the collectible behind the glass. You need to use the Simon Stagg fingerprints in order to access the collectible.
Trophy #17 This collectible is located inside the Biological Engineering area. You need to head right from the testing area to find a couple of chimps which you need to use in order to solve the puzzle and claim the collectible.
Trophy #18 This collectible is located inside the Biological Engineering area. You need to head over to the north side of the area and head over to the upper floors in order to find the collectible.
Trophy #19 You need to head over to the south side of the Biological Engineering area and head inside a grate along the upper floor to find the collectible right next to a couple of generators.
Trophy #20 You need to head over to the top-right side of the room inside the Stagg Airship Beta and use the Voice Synthesizer in order to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #21 The collectible is located in the Biological Engineering area where you need to use the Remote Hacking Device in order to open up the door and acquire the collectible.
No Dark Knight, Stagg’s pet is no figment, it’s just lacking the usual pigment.
You need to head inside the farthest room from the entrance in the Airship Alpha – Human Testing Room. Once you arrive in the area, scan the lone monkey in the room in order to solve the riddle.
“Need something moved quickly, in a freezer? This company’s owned by a cockney geezer!”
While in the Airship Beta, head over to the southern area and unlock a door holding a container. Head down the corridor and scan the poster on the far wall to solve the collectible.
“A bragging reporter’s worse than a narc, but perhaps the assassin has found his mark?”
You need to head inside the Biological Engineering Room inside the Airship Beta and make way to the northern edge. Once you arrive in the area, scan the magazine sitting on the small magazine to complete the riddle.
Trophy #1 You need to head over to the top-left side of Stage-B and drop down into a grate at the bottom of the staircase to find the collectible.
Trophy #2 You need to climb the stairs on the top-left side of Stage-B and grapple through a grate in the ceiling in order to enter the puzzle room. You need to complete the puzzle in order to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #3 While you are on Stage-B, head over to the southern edge to come across an alcove. Once you get to the area, use the Explosive Gel on the counterbalance to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #4 While you are in Stage-B, head over to the middle-right to come across a large fan where you need to hack a terminal in order to acquire a collectible – use ‘Impeller’ as the password.
Trophy #5 You need to head over to the far-bottom of Stage-B and make your way through a wall vent in order to reach a small room containing the collectible – throw a Batarang in the next room to access the collectible.
Trophy #6 You need to head over to the far-bottom of Stage-B and make your way through a wall vent in order to reach a small room containing the collectible inside a pipe.
Trophy #7 You need to head from the center of the Backstage Area to Stage-C and head left after the first corridor. Block an overhead steam vent and grapple to find a Riddler Bot above – use the bot to open up the chest containing the collectible.
Trophy #8 Near the entrance to Stage-C, you will come across a number of generators behind a closed door. You need to activate the generator in ‘1, 5, 7, 3, 2, 4, 8, 6’ order from left to right to find the collectible.
Trophy #9 After entering the Stage-C, you will find the collectible sitting inside a cage in a corner. In order to access it, use the grate below the switch to head inside the next room and use a Remote Batarang to activate a switch.
Trophy #10 Once you reach the Main Area of Stage-C, activate a Riddler Puzzle and hit the following switches:
First Set: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow Second Set: Yellow, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Red Third Set: Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green
Trophy #11 Once you reach the Main Area of Stage-C, form 4 identical shapes on the Slot Machine to score the collectible.
Trophy #12 You need to head over to the corridor leading to Stage-A and head right before the door. Use the REC Gun to open up the blocked path and use the Line Launcher and Pressure Pads to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #13 In the very center of the backstage area, interact with the statue of Poseidon and complete the puzzle by stopping the statue first at Stage-B, then at Stage-A, and finally at Stage-C.
Trophy #14 In the very center of the backstage area, interact with the large robot in the corner and use the Batclaw to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #15 You need to head towards Stage-C from the backstage room to come across a sealed wall. Blow up the wall and complete the puzzle inside to find the collectible.
Trophy #16 While you are on Stage-A, grapple beyond the backdrop wall to a large robot and use the Batclaw to open up its chest and hit it with the REC Gun to find the collectible.
Trophy #17 While you are on Stage-A, grapple beyond the backdrop wall to a large robot . Once you get there, look down to find the area with a couple of turrets. You simply need to blind the turrets in order to find the collectible.
Trophy #18 After entering Stage-A, head inside the door on the right side and and activate the lights in the correct order, which can be found in the opposite room, to find the collectible.
Trophy #19 In the Backstage Area (enter from the main entrance), head inside the door on the left side and destroy all 5 Riddler Bots with a single Fear Multi-Takedown or as quickly as possible to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #20 You need to head towards the Backstage Area from the main entrance and open up a sealed area near the stairs, You need to throw a Remote Batarang towards the upper area, charge it, and hit a switch. Once you head inside the locked room, hit the switches in Bottom-Middle, Bottom-Left, and Bottom-Right, and Middle-Left order to find the collectible.
Trophy #21 You need to head insde the Quarantine Cells and find the collectible at the bottom of stairs.
Riddle #1 “A visual artist with burning ambition: prove he made movies before his ignition.”
You need to head towards the corridor into Stage-A and head inside a small room on the right side. Once inside, scan the poster titled ‘The Inferno’ to acquire the collectible.
“She and her love are no longer together, she’ll keep the flames burning forever and ever.”
You need to make way from the corridor to Stage-A and head inside a door on left and use the Voice Synthesizer with Harley’s voice on the door to find a monument which you need to scan in order to solve the riddle.
“You? A father figure? Don’t make me laugh. You overwork and break your staff.”
You need to be at the very end of the Main Story to complete this riddle. Head inside the Panessa Studios and check the items in an empty quarantine cell to solve the riddle.
Trophy #1 After you enter the large shaft in the HQ, grapple all the way to Level 1 and you will find the collectible there.
Trophy #2 Grapple all the way up to Level 1 and find a control panel near a locked door. You need to use ‘Semiconductors’ as password and complete the puzzle inside to claim the collectible.
Trophy #3 In the middle of Level 2, you will come across an alcove full of monitors across the entrance. Once inside, you will have to hit the ‘?’ shown in the monitors to find the collectible.
Trophy #4 There is a puzzle block located on top of Level 4 and bottom of Level of Level 3. You need to complete these puzzles in order to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #5 This is located directly opposite Trophy #4. You need to stand on the Pressure Pad and guide three Riddler Balls to the bottom of exits three times to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #6 You need to head over to the top of Level 5 and bottom of Level 4 and find an alcove with Arkham Knight banners. Take the elevator up using the REC Gun and use the Explosive Gel to claim the collectible.
Trophy #7 You need to head over to the top of Level 5 and bottom of Level 4 and find an alcove with Arkham Knight banners. Instead of heading towards the elevator, travel to a dead end and find a vent there. You will need to use the REC Gun to move the ball through the maze and claim the collectible.
Trophy #8 You need to head to the bottom floor and find an area with a turret and an open elevator shaft. Head inside the shaft and grapple on the overhead floor. Once you are up, hack the terminal next to an elevator door and acquire the collectible.
Trophy #9 This collectible is located on the bottom floor of the AK HQ. You need to head inside the large room where the Militia meeting took place and find the collectible in plain sight.
Trophy #10 This collectible is located on the bottom floor of the AK HQ. You need to head inside the large room where the Militia meeting took place and find the collectible near an elevator shaft in the corner.
Trophy #11 You need to head to the opposite side of the Level 5 and find an alcove with a turret placed in a corner. Blind the turret and stand on the pad to open up a grate followed by using a Batarang to hit a switch. Disable the turret again and throw another Batarang to find the electrical charge and hit the switch near the turret to claim the collectible.
Trophy #12 You need to head over to the blocked Execavator Tunnels and look for a ledge above the tunnel and find an elevator shaft on Level 4. Once you get there, drop all the way down the shaft to Level 5 and find the collectible under it.
Trophy #13 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. Once you head inside, make way to the left side of the area. Once you reach the upper level, use the REC Gun on the puzzle box and rotate it to find the collectible.
Trophy #14 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. Once you head inside, make way to the left side of the area. Once you reach the upper level, you will see the collectible along a wall near the very end of the area.
Trophy #15 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. You need to walk to the main platform and head inside the floor grate at the very top, crawl into a tuneel area, and find the collectible at the top of a large ledgde.
Trophy #16 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. You need to head to the north hall of the base and head inside the last room to solve a puzzle and claim the collectible.
Trophy #17 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building.You need to head to the north hall of the base and head inside the last room to and find the collectible under a long asian table.
Trophy #18 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. You need to move to the southern side of the base and walk down the escalators to find the collectible under the ceiling.
Trophy #19 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. Head to the upper floor and look along the sides of the south end to find a sealed up storefront. Hack your way inside and disable the turrets using the Riddler Bot to acquire the collectible.
Trophy #20 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. You need to head to the east side to a shuttered storefront. Hack your way in and guide two separate charges while continuously moving pipes in the correct areas to claim the collectible.
Trophy #21 This collectible is located inside the AK HQ building. You need to head to the east side to a shuttered storefront and find the collectible on a side of the base along the far wall, on top of a counter.
Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. He is a competitive FPS player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all time) ...